Training Courses

Lattice Tower Analysis

Professional Development Hours (1.0 PDHs) will be awarded to attendees.

Tuesday June 18, 12pm MST

– Pankaj Deshmukh

Lattice towers have been a cornerstone of transmission lines for over 120 years. However, engineers often face numerous questions: How do lattice towers differ from poles? How can results for thousands of members in a lattice tower be interpreted? How do forces flow through the tower’s members? How do damaged or missing members affect the tower’s capacity?

Join us for an insightful training seminar designed to demystify the complexities of lattice tower engineering. This global event is specifically crafted to address common misconceptions and provide clear guidance on avoiding common pitfalls during analysis.

ASEC offers PDH Training Courses to advance our industry. If you are interested in scheduling a course, please contact us.

Transmission Planning

  • System Studies
  • ROW
  • Permitting
  • Aerial Survey

Conductor Characteristics

  • Electrical Characteristics
  • Sag Tension
  • Conductor Selection
  • Conductor Motion

Structure Configuration & Structure Types 

  • Structure Types & Configurations
  • Structure Materials
  • Aesthetic Considerations
  • Design Factors

Hardware & Assemblies

  • Conductor Hardware
  • Insulators
  • OPGW Hardware
  • Shield Wire Hardware

Electrical Clearances & Mechanical Loading 

  • Design Criteria
  • Weather & Load Cases
  • Clearances

Foundation Design

  • Types of Transmission Structure Foundation
  • Design
  • Software Used
  • MFAD Examples

Construction Methods & Design Considerations

  • Modifications to Existing Lines
  • Stringing
  • Structure Setting & Placement
Structure Loading Criteria

  • NESC
  • ASCE Standard 7
  • ASCE Manual 74
  • Other loading standards

Design Manuals and Standards

  • ASCE Standard 48
  • ASCE Standard 10
  • ASCE Manual 91
  • ASCE Manual 113

Design and Analysis of Structures

  • Design of lattice structures
  • Design of steel pole structures
  • Specialized foundations


  • Other FEA software


  • Full-scale structure testing
  • Computer simulation

Innovation in Design

  • Importance of aesthetics in design
  • Latest innovations


  • Latticed towers
  • Steel poles
  • Other types
  • Types of finishes